Library Book Sale

Mar 1, 2023
The Greeneville/Greene County Public Library book sale dates are now set! Save the dates!
Full Price Weekend ($2 hardbacks, $1 paperbacks)
Friday, April 28th (10am-6pm)
Saturday, April 29th (10am-6pm)
Sunday, April 30th (12noon-5pm)
Half Price Weekend ($1 hardbacks, 50ยข paperbacks)
Friday, May 5th (10am-6pm)
Saturday, May 6th (10am-6pm)
Sunday, May 7th (12noon-5pm)
Bag Sale ($3 per bag)
Saturday, May 20th (10am-6pm)
Sunday, May 21st (12noon-5pm)
The book sale will be held in Tusculum off of Edens Road in the Central Services buildings at Greene Valley.
If you'd like to volunteer to help set up for the book sale (which will be happening from 10am-2pm Monday through Friday during the month of March), call the library at 423-638-5034!
We can't wait to see you all at the book sale! Until then, thanks for supporting your Greeneville/Greene County Public Library!